Torn Skin Universe Gets New Logo
The Torn Skin Universe (TSU), my writing world where my books are set, has gotten a new logo! A year ago, I released the first installment in the universe, the novel Ripped in Two. I did not plan to have it come out as the world dealt with a global pandemic. But the timing felt right anyway. The paranormal drama novel dealt with topics of rebirth, spirituality, looking inward, and tapping into your divine powers.
Since then, I’ve been thinking on how to give TSU a logo that signifies it as whole. Something that can be easily recognizable as belonging to TSU. Not all of my writing will be part of this universe, so it’ll help readers to know what is connected to it and what isn’t. As I thought about the concept of the logo, I pulled in elements which will become very important in future installments.
First, I envisioned something that is torn and old, like a map of sorts that you put away for a long time and it begins to deteriorate. Hence the sand-like and stain look of the logo. Then, I wanted the letters TSU to be displayed over it in a dark red, dried blood color. That shade of dark red was then sprinkled all over, signifying bloodshed, hard work, and fighting for your passions. But what should the logo actually look like?
I saw a banner in my mind, a flag of sorts that could tell a traveler from afar that this is where the Torn Skin Universe is. But as I meditated on it further, I realized that I couldn’t ignore that first TSU book came out during the COVID-19 pandemic. That banner/flag then took more of a face mask shape. It represents the world as it was when TSU came out, while it’s still reminiscent of the banner/flag concept. There are eight rips on it—two on each of the four sides. The numbers “eight” and “two” are significant in TSU.
All of this was possible by working with the fantastic graphic designer, Alora Kate, who has constructed all of my book covers to date. She can decipher what is in my brain and put it to a visual! From now on, all that is part of the Torn Skin Universe will have this logo attached to it. Thank you all for being supportive. Read away!!!